= Troubleshooting Guide = <> Check the [[../UserDocumentation|User Documentation]] page for more information on mpi-start == ./mpi.sh: line 34: /opt/i2g/bin/mpi-start: No such file or directory == === Cause === Mpi-start is not installed === Solution === Install MPI-START == mpiexec: error while loading shared libraries: libtorque.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory == === Cause === The installed mpiexec version is wrong for installed version of torque. === Solution === Install the correct mpiexec version == mpiexec: cannot connect to local mpd == === Cause === Unknown === Solution === Unknown == skipping incompatible /XXXX/libmpich.a when searching for -lmpich == === Cause === Available compiler do not match the installed libraries, or compiler paths incorrectly set. === Solution === Install newer version of mpi-start that should fix the compiler flags (32/64 bits) or set correct compiler flags. == mpiexec: Error: PBS_JOBID not set in environment. == === Cause === pbs/torque mpiexec installed in a non PBS site === Solution === Install the correct mpiexec or remove the current one == I2G_MPI_START variable is not set! == === Cause === The environment variable I2G_MPI_START is not set although announced in the site BDII === Solution === Set the environment variable to the correct path == mpicc: command not found == === Cause === MPI compiler not available === Solution === Install the mpi compiler == /opt/i2g/bin/../etc/mpi-start/openmpi.mpi: line 70: MPI_SPECIFIC_PARAMS+=-x X509_USER_PROXY --prefix /opt/i2g/openmpi : No such file or directory == === Cause === An old version of mpi-start is installed (pre 0.0.54) === Solution === Install a newer version. == which: no mpiexec in … == === Cause === Environment not set correctly === Solution === Set the MPI__PATH correctly. == mpiexec: Warning: task 0 exited before completing MPI startup. mpiexec: Warning: task 1 was never spawned due to earlier errors. == === Cause === Unknown === Solution === Unknown == Timeout when executing test MPI-sft-mpich after 600 seconds! == === Cause === Unknown === Solution === Unknown == /opt/mpich-1.2.7p1//bin/mpicc: line 326: cc: command not found == === Cause === Compiler not installed === Solution === Install the development related RPMs (e.g. opempi-devel, mpich2-devel) == cannot find scheduler == === Cause === Jobmanager for SGE not configured properly to submit jobs to a PE. === Solution === Configure the jobmanager == ... mpi.h: No such file or directory == === Cause === Most likely, devel packages not installed. === Solution === Install devel packages == CpuNumber: attribute cannot be specified with non MPICH jobs == === Cause === Unpatched SL4 version of CREAM-CE installed. === Solution === Bug #56762: since gLite 3.1 Update 56 (patch #3259) it is not possible to specify NodeNumber or CpuNumber in the JDL when JobType is Normal. Waiting for the patch fixing this problem, please apply the following workaround: * Replace $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ce-cream/WEB-INF/lib/glite-jdl-api-java.jar with this file: [[http://grid.pd.infn.it/cream/patch-glite-jdl-api-java/glite-jdl-api-java.jar|glite-jdl-api-java.jar]] * Restart tomcat This problem doesn't affect the CREAM CE version for gLite 3.2/sl5 == mpiexec was unable to launch the specified application as it could not find an executable: == === Cause === Open MPI mpiexec used instead of mpich's === Solution === Set the environment variables to the appropriate mpich location == /opt/mpiexec-0.82/bin/mpiexec: No such file or directory == === Cause === The MPI_XXXX_MPIEXEC variable is defined to a mpiexec version, but the binary is not installed or cannot be found. === Solution === Set the variable to the correct location of mpiexec, install the package, or check that the filesystem where the binary is located is correctly mounted at the Worker Nodes.