Special Parallel Tracks are foreseen int he following topics
- Quality Managemente in Computing Centers, Green IT, Hardware & Software tools (convener Jorge Gomes)
- Virtualization techniques on top of Computing Resources (convener TBA)
The principal topics of IBERGRID'2011 include:
- European Grid Initiative - EGI and IBERGRID infrastructure
- Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe - PRACE
- Virtualization techniques on top of computing resources
- Interactive SuperComputing
- Green IT in the designing of Computing centerfacilities
Large Data Repositories
- Applications over very high performance networks
- ESFRI implementations in the Iberian area
- LHC Computing Grid and Tier-0 topology
- Applications oriented to Volunteer computing
- Expanding beyond classic user communities
Priority will be given to contributions describing ongoing R&D collaborative Grid projects between Portuguese, Spanish and Latin American institutions.