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Revision 2 as of 2015-09-21 14:30:45
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Editor: marco
Revision 6 as of 2015-09-21 15:29:40
Size: 6022
Editor: marco
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Esta es una pagina de discusion del grupo de analisis de los temas de del CSIC
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== 0 Introduccion == == 0 Introduccion al grupo ==
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1) Repaso del informe  mencionado Funding research data infrastructure and services y del resumen en elaboración. == 1 El informe "Funding Research Data infrastructure and services" ==

esumen en elaboración.
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2) Análisis de los documentos de posicionamiento en UK, Alemania, etc.
 [Habría que difundirlos y leerlo? O tú harás un resumen a los asistentes?]
== 2 Documentos relacionados de posicionamiento en otros paises ==
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3) A propósito de la reunión sobre Text and Data Mining del 27 octubre 2015:
Documento propuesto, relación con los temas de Open Science, Open Data, licencias de explotacion de datos, etc.
Puntos a considerar: tiene sentido un documento similar o mas tecnico o mas general?
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4) Cuestionario sobre Agenda Digital desde EU como formato inclusivo en UK:
==== UK ====
A draft report by RCUK appeared (Monday 17 August): Concordat On Open Research Data http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/media/news/170814/
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5) Puntos técnicos para CSIC: identificación de datos y repositorios existentes,
posibilidades de gestión, asignación de DOI, portal de acceso a datos y análisis.
The OECD published back in 2007 already Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding, but these RCUK principles and recommendations are much more concrete.
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6) Contextos: otros grupos en Science Europe, contexto EU, contexto ESFRIs, contexto ES Feedback is invited (before September 28).
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== TDM Text and Data Mining == It seems to be worthwhile to discuss these principles in a future SE working group meeting, because a great step forward could be made if these principles would be endorsed or adopted by SE and its member organisations. Probably the explanatory texts for each principle would need to be edited, as the current texts are oriented towards the UK national situation.
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=== info to be distributed === Principle #1 - Open access to research data is an enabler of high quality research, a facilitator of innovation and safeguards good research practice.

Principle #2 - Good data management is fundamental to all stages of the research process and should be established at the outset.

Principle #3 - Data must be curated so that they are accessible, discoverable and useable.

Principle #4 - Open access to research data carries a significant cost, which should be respected by all parties.

Principle #5 - There are sound reasons why the openness of research data may need to be restricted but any restrictions must be justified and justifiable.

Principle #6 - The right of the creators of research data to reasonable first use is recognised.

Principle #7 - Use of others’ data should always conform to legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks including appropriate acknowledgement.

Principle #8 - Data supporting publications should be accessible by the publication date and should be in a citeable form.

Principle #9 - Support for the development of appropriate data skills is recognised as a responsibility for all stakeholders.

Principle #10 - Regular reviews of progress towards open access to research data should be undertaken.

==== Alemania ====

The Working Group on Research Data in the Priority Initiative “Digital Information” of the Alliance of German Science Organisations has published its position paper "Research Data at Your Fingertips":


Keep in mind that this is not an official Allianz position, but just that of the working group.

=== 3 Reunión sobre Text and Data Mining del 27 octubre 2015 ===

Puntos a considerar:

Documento propuesto (ver mas abajo link)

Relación con los temas de Open Science, Open Data, Licencias de explotacion de datos, etc.

Expertos que asistiran el dia 27

==== TDM Text and Data Mining: info to be distributed ====
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== Research Data Management Funding ==
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== Aspectos tecnicos ==
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DOI y DataCite == 4 Cuestionario sobre Agenda Digital ==

Esta filtrado "oficialmente":


Entre otros puntos de interes incluye:

3.4.1 Free flow of data (pagina 16)

y en la pagina 18 cuestion 43: On access and reuse of (non-personal) scientific data

== 5 Puntos técnicos para CSIC ==

Identificación de datos
DOI versus PID

Participacion en DataCite

Asignacion de DOI

Portal de deposito/acceso a datos y reanalisis

== 6 Contextos ==

=== Entre Grupos de Science Europe ===

=== contexto EU ===

=== contexto ESFRIs ===

=== contexto ES ===

Research Data Management

Esta es una pagina de discusion del grupo de analisis de los temas de del CSIC

0 Introduccion al grupo

1 El informe "Funding Research Data infrastructure and services"

Resumen en elaboración. Detección de puntos de interés para el CSIC.

2 Documentos relacionados de posicionamiento en otros paises

Puntos a considerar: tiene sentido un documento similar o mas tecnico o mas general?

en UK:


A draft report by RCUK appeared (Monday 17 August): Concordat On Open Research Data http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/media/news/170814/

The OECD published back in 2007 already Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding, but these RCUK principles and recommendations are much more concrete.

Feedback is invited (before September 28).

It seems to be worthwhile to discuss these principles in a future SE working group meeting, because a great step forward could be made if these principles would be endorsed or adopted by SE and its member organisations. Probably the explanatory texts for each principle would need to be edited, as the current texts are oriented towards the UK national situation.

Principle #1 - Open access to research data is an enabler of high quality research, a facilitator of innovation and safeguards good research practice.

Principle #2 - Good data management is fundamental to all stages of the research process and should be established at the outset.

Principle #3 - Data must be curated so that they are accessible, discoverable and useable.

Principle #4 - Open access to research data carries a significant cost, which should be respected by all parties.

Principle #5 - There are sound reasons why the openness of research data may need to be restricted but any restrictions must be justified and justifiable.

Principle #6 - The right of the creators of research data to reasonable first use is recognised.

Principle #7 - Use of others’ data should always conform to legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks including appropriate acknowledgement.

Principle #8 - Data supporting publications should be accessible by the publication date and should be in a citeable form.

Principle #9 - Support for the development of appropriate data skills is recognised as a responsibility for all stakeholders.

Principle #10 - Regular reviews of progress towards open access to research data should be undertaken.


The Working Group on Research Data in the Priority Initiative “Digital Information” of the Alliance of German Science Organisations has published its position paper "Research Data at Your Fingertips":

Keep in mind that this is not an official Allianz position, but just that of the working group.

3 Reunión sobre Text and Data Mining del 27 octubre 2015

Puntos a considerar:

Documento propuesto (ver mas abajo link)

Relación con los temas de Open Science, Open Data, Licencias de explotacion de datos, etc.

Expertos que asistiran el dia 27

TDM Text and Data Mining: info to be distributed

In May 2015 the European Commission (EC) published a communication entitled "A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe"; it refers to the possibility to introduce an exception for Text and Data Mining (TDM) as part a likely reform of the EU copyright directive, as follows:

“Innovation in research for both non-commercial and commercial purposes, based on the use of text and data mining (e.g. copying of text and datasets in search of significant correlations or occurrences) may be hampered because of an unclear legal framework and divergent approaches at national level. The need for greater legal certainty to enable researchers and educational institutions to make wider use of copyright-protected material, including across borders, so that they can benefit from the potential of these technologies and from cross-border collaboration will be assessed, as with all parts of the copyright proposals in the light of its impact on all interested parties.”

In such context, and awaiting an EC proposal for the European copyright framework reform, Science Europe Working Group on Research Data organises a workshop on the importance of Text and Data (Content) Mining for science on 27 October 2015 in Brussels. The event will aim to demonstrate the relevance of content mining for science and its relevance as a commercial service and to illustrate that the Europe needs a clear legal framework accommodating for such uses.

You are kindly invited to save the date of this workshop and to disseminate this announcement through your channels. Further information will follow in the course of September.

The workshop will address senior representatives from Science Europe Member Organisations and Scientific Committees, research organisations in general and European institutions (European Commission, European Parliament).

The Briefing Paper ‘Text and Data Mining and the Need for a Science-friendly EU Copyright Reform’, by Science Europe Working Group on Research Data, will serve as background to the discussions (See: http://www.scienceeurope.org/urls/tdm).

4 Cuestionario sobre Agenda Digital

Esta filtrado "oficialmente":


Entre otros puntos de interes incluye:

3.4.1 Free flow of data (pagina 16)

y en la pagina 18 cuestion 43: On access and reuse of (non-personal) scientific data

5 Puntos técnicos para CSIC

Identificación de datos DOI versus PID

Participacion en DataCite

Asignacion de DOI

Portal de deposito/acceso a datos y reanalisis

6 Contextos

Entre Grupos de Science Europe

contexto EU

=== contexto ESFRIs ===

contexto ES

eciencia: CSIC-Research-Data-Management (last edited 2016-03-07 20:54:35 by marco)