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location: Diff for "Cloud/Usage"
Differences between revisions 6 and 88 (spanning 82 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2011-09-05 10:31:59
Size: 4307
Editor: aloga
Revision 88 as of 2017-07-04 11:12:30
Size: 1152
Editor: aloga
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## page was renamed from Cluster/CloudUsage
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{{{#!wiki caution
'''This is a beta service'''

Please note that we are currently deploying the Cloud infrastructure at IFCA, so work is still in progress. If you find any error, please open a ticket on the helpdesk.
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This is a beta service, since the deployment and development is ongoing. However, to test the functionality, access to the infrastructure can be granted to certain users. IFCA uses [[https://openstack.org|OpenStack]] for managing the cloud service. You may get access upon [[https://support.ifca.es/rt/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=3&Subject=New Cloud Account|request]]. There are several ways to access the infrastructure, namely:
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We highly recommend to check this document frequently, since changes in the documentation may occur.  * [[http://portal.cloud.ifca.es|Horizon Web dashboard]]
 * [[http://api.openstack.org/|OpenStack API]], that can be used with the different command line interfaces.
 * [[http://occi-wg.org/|OCCI API]], that can be used with [[https://github.com/gwdg/rOCCI-cli|rOCCI client]]
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== Start working with the cloud == == Documentation ==
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Managing the cloud is made from the [[Cluster/Usage|GRIDUI Cluster]]. Ensure that you have the credentials properly installed by issuing the following command and checking that it returns something: The official, up to date documentation can be found in the following link:
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$ echo $NOVA_API_KEY
 * http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/

Plase refer to that documentation, since it contains the most up to date and accurate documentation for using OpenStack resources.

{{{#!wiki caution
Important: Do not hesitate in [[https://support.ifca.es/rt/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=3 | opening a ticket]] if you notice problems using cloud services.
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=== Creating a machine ===

To create a machine you have to perform several steps:

 * Decide which of the prebuilt images you are going to use.
 * Decide which with of the available sizes is suitable for you.
 * Decide (and create if not ready) with keypair should be used to connect to the machine.

==== Image and size selection ====

There are several pre-built images available. To check them, use the `euca-describe-images` command:
$ euca-describe-images
IMAGE ami-00000008 None (cloudpipe) available public machine instance-store
IMAGE ami-00000007 None (Debian Wheezy (2011-08)) available public machine instance-store
IMAGE ami-00000006 None (lucid-server-uec-amd64.img) available public machine instance-store
IMAGE ami-00000003 None (Scientific Linux 5.5) available public machine instance-store
IMAGE ami-00000001 None (Scientific Linux 5.5) available public machine instance-store

Once you have decided with image to use, you can write down its identifier (ami-XXXXXXXX). You also have to decide with image size to use from the following:
|| '''Name''' || '''Memory''' || '''# CPU''' || '''Local storage''' || '''Swap''' ||
|| m1.tiny || 512MB || 1 || 0GB || 0GB||
|| m1.small || 2048MB || 1 || 20GB || 0GB||
|| m1.medium || 4096MB || 2 || 40GB || 0GB||
|| m1.large || 8192MB || 4 || 80GB || 0GB||
|| m1.xlarge || 16384MB || 8 || 160GB || 0GB||

==== Create SSH credentials ====

For most of the users this is a one-time step (although you can create as much SSH credentials as you want). You have to create an SSH-keypair so as to inject it to the newly created machine with the following command (it will create a keypair named `cloudkey` and store it under `~/.cloud/cloudkey.pem`):

$ euca-add-keypair cloudkey > ~/.cloud/cloudkey.pem

Make sure that you keep safe the file `~/.cloud/cloudkey.pem`, since it will contain the private key needed to access your cloud machines. You can check the name later with the `euca-describe-keypairs` command.

==== Launching the instance ====
To launch the instance, you have to issue `euca-run-intances`, specifying:
 * wich keypair to use (in the example `cloudkey`).
 * wich size should be used (in the example `m1.tiny`).
 * with image should be used (in the example `ami-00000001`).

$ euca-run-instances -k cloudkey -t m1.tiny ami-00000001
RESERVATION r-1zdwog0m ACES default
INSTANCE i-00000048 ami-00000001 scheduling cloudkey (ACES, None) 2011-09-02T12:19:41Z None None

You can check its status with `euca-describe-instances`

$ euca-describe-instances i-00000048
RESERVATION r-vmfu1xq2 ACES default
INSTANCE i-00000048 ami-00000001 blocked cloudkey (ACES, cloud01) 0 m1.tiny 2011-09-02T12:15:32Z nova

==== Connect to the server ====

You have to use the private identify file that you created before (`~/.cloud/cloudkey.pem`) and pass it to the SSH client. To check the IP to with you should connect, check it with `euca-describe-instances`

$ ssh -i ~/.cloud/cloudkey.pem root@

==== Stopping the server ====

Images can be stopped with `euca-terminate-instances`
$ euca-terminate-instances i-00000048

=== Advanced topics ===
==== Attach to the project's VPN ====

==== Manage multiple credentials ====

Cloud Computing at IFCA

1. Introduction

IFCA uses OpenStack for managing the cloud service. You may get access upon request. There are several ways to access the infrastructure, namely:

2. Documentation

The official, up to date documentation can be found in the following link:

Plase refer to that documentation, since it contains the most up to date and accurate documentation for using OpenStack resources.

Important: Do not hesitate in opening a ticket if you notice problems using cloud services.

eciencia: Cloud/Usage (last edited 2017-07-04 11:12:30 by aloga)