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location: INDIGO / WP2

WP2: Definition os Support to Research Communities


The objectives of this workpackage are to define the support required by Research Communities and to test and validate the state-of-the-art services developed by INDIGO to ensure that they will result in an increased use of production e-infrastructures in Europe, and in particular through the enhancement of services to share, manage and process research data. Research Communities covering a wide and significant spectrum of areas and expertise are represented through the participation of relevant institutions associated to ESFRIs or EIROs:

One of the challenges of the project from the point of view of the Research Communities is to assure that the resulting frameworks will have a reasonable learning curve, and in particular that usual integrated tools (like Matlab/Octave, R-Studio, ROOT, etc) will keep the current interface, while benefiting from the access to powerful, on computing and storage, e-infrastructures resources.

A clear indicator of success for the project is associated to this workpackage: the number of users in these Research Communities using INDIGO to access production e-Infrastructures (EGI, PRACE) and the volume of the resources, data storage and computing hours, employed to produce first class research results. Through this workpackage, INDIGO will also have a direct interaction with proposals from the complementary call E-INFRADEV, to assure the collaboration where required, and promoting a larger impact.

Task 2.1 - Research Communities Requirements

Task 2.2 - Defining support to Research Data

To guarantee a smooth and widespread usability of INDIGO, an appropriate integration and combination approach has to take into account the different Reference Models used by the Research Communities and Research Infrastructures and the diversity and heterogeneities of data services and catalogues. This task follows the data research use and management of the Research Communities and Research Infrastructures and points out the different needs at the data life-cycle level. In particular this task shall undertake a survey on the research communities to collect and analyze the individual Data Management Plans (DMP) and data-life-cycle documentation with the aim to ensure that the full data cycle and components will be supported in INDIGO, and with the aim to provide adequate specifications for the compliance with INDIGO. Accordingly, the following activities are foreseen:

Task 2.3 - Application Test and Validation

The main objective of T2.3 is to ensure that all the middleware and other solutions developed in WP3 and WP6 are meeting the needs and requirements of the various user communities. It is therefore crucial to properly test and validate them and demonstrate their applicability on real use cases. To meet this objective the following sub-tasks are defined: * Definition of use cases. We have already identified a number of use cases that will be implemented from the start of the project. These include:

Additional use cases will be defined based on the input of T2.1 and in collaboration with WP6 in order to test the workflow services to be developed. The definition and partial implementation of use cases will be reported in deliverable D2.3.

Task 2.4 - Dissemination towards Research Communities

Dissemination activities target both project partners and external researchers, as well as any scientific bodies interested in intermediate and final results of the project. The information will be classified according to the target audience (internal, external) and according to the state of work (progress of ongoing activities, preliminary results, intermediate results, final results).

An important feature of these dissemination activities, i.e. the promotion of the project solutions, is that it is be based on an strong engagement of the Research Communities partners, that include relevant ESFRIs, EIROS, and other large research initiatives in Europe. These partners will contribute with the identification of the best forums and dissemination channels, and will help also by providing specific examples of the usefulness of INDIGO solutions in their communities. The coordination of these activities, and the preparation of specific support, will be handled by RBI, with wide experience on these tasks, and by EGI.eu, that through its experience in large dissemination events and training activities, will contribute to a wider dissemination to many research areas.

Following the ideas presented in section 2.2 for the initial dissemination plan, a structured plan will be implemented covering the whole project duration. The introduction of the cloud service technology platform is also an opportunity to integrate existing advanced technologies, including multimedia, hypermedia and other new models that will make the access to this platform attractive and easier, and so will also contribute to the sustainability of the project results. Different outreach actions will be made to assure the dissemination towards the general and specific research communities: for example, the use of the EGI.eu Community Forum (general), the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for Environmental and Earth Sciences, CHEP for High Energy Physics, INSTRUCT annual meetings and relevant large life science conferences for Biomedical sciences, and also industry-specific meeting like the conferences targeting industry for structural biology/life sciences - pharmas, biotechs (see for example http://www.psdi2014.org).

The following is an initial list of activities planned within this task to disseminate the project results (cf. initial dissemination plan section in 2.2):

Task 2.5 - Sustainability: exploitation strategy in an integrated e-Science framework

Task T2.5 aims to provide an exploitation strategy for INDIGO products, assuring the sustainability of the initiative. The task will take into account how research communities, technical developers and e-infrastructure providers, including commercial ones, are organized as ecosystems, and will discuss, following the analogy, how to guarantee a healthy evolution:


Kick-off Meeting - WP2