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Revision 24 as of 2017-12-04 12:16:13

location: MasterDataScience / M01.1


* Presentacion - Jesús Marco (9 Oct) M0-PRESENTACION-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf

* Sesiones 1-2 - Jesús Marco (9 Oct) M1-S1-S2-PANORAMICA-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf

* Sesiones 3-4 - Jesús Marco (10 Oct) M1-S3-S4-PANORAMICA-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf

* Sesiones 5 - Lara Lloret (11 Oct) M1-S6-PANORAMICA-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf

* Sesiones 6 - Lara Lloret (25 Oct) M1-s7-PANORAMICA-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf

* Sesiones 15-16 - Ramon Beivide (20 Oct) M1-S15-S16-PANORAMICA-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf

* Sesiones 21-22 - Ramon Beivide (27 Oct) M1-S21-S22-PANORAMICA-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf

* Sesiones 23-24 - Ramon Beivide (4 Dic) M1-S23-S24-PANORAMICA-MASTERDATASCIENCE.pdf


Canal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf6M-Upf6x6PvQLNWijgbCw/videos

30 de Octubre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRTTYejhF1s

31 de Octubre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU5RclV91x0

31 de Octubre