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Revision 20 as of 2017-11-29 11:39:15

location: MasterDataScience / M02.1


* Sesiones 1-2 - Pablo Martínez (14 Nov) M02-Statistics-1.pdf

* Sesiones 3-4 - Pablo Martínez (15 Nov) M02-Statistics-2.pdf

* Sesiones 5-6 - Pablo Martínez (16 Nov) M02-Statistics-3.pdf

* Sesiones 7-8 - Pablo Martínez (21 Nov) M02-Statistics-4.pdf

* Sesiones 9-10 - Pablo Martínez (22 Nov) M02-Statistics-5.pdf

* Sesiones 11-12 - Pablo Martínez (23 Nov) M02-Statistics-6.pdf

* Sesiones 13-14 - Pablo Martínez (28 Nov) M02-Statistics-7.pdf

* Practica dia 29 Nov - Daniel García: