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2011: Future computing for particle physics

15-17 June, 2011 Edinburgh

Recent developments in computing and software architectures have resulted in huge potential for accelerating applications used in experimental particle physics. This is an ideal time to investigate how a significant performance boost can be acheived by the effective use of many-core and GPU architectures in a distributed computing environment, as well as utilising emerging I/O and storage technologies. This workshop aims to discuss what has been done so far in the field and what potential future development areas are feasible.

08 JUN - Registration Deadline - Date we will respond to your application by (Please note this is the latest date we will respond to your application. It is normal policy for us to respond within 5 working days where possible.)

== PUMPS 2011: The Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems Summer School (PUMPS)==

http://bcw.ac.upc.edu/PUMPS2011/, 18 - 22 July 2011, Barcelona

The Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems Summer School (PUMPS) is aimed at enriching the skills of researchers, graduate students and teachers with cutting-edge technique and hands-on experience in developing applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators.

CUFP 2011: Comercial Use of Functional Programming

CUFP 2011 Sep 22nd-24th, 2011. Tokyo, Japan

The CUFP workshop is a place where people can see how others are using functional programming to solve real world problems; where practitioners meet and collaborate; where language designers and users can share ideas about the future of their favourite language; and where one can learn practical techniques and approaches for putting functional programming to work.

Proposal Submission Deadline 15 June 2011

EESI 2011: The European Exascale Software Initiative

EESI 2011, 10 – 11 October 2011, Barcelona

The main goals of EESI are to build a European vision and roadmap to address the challenge of performing scientific computing on the new generation of computers, which will provide hundreds of Petaflop performances in 2015, and Exaflop performances in 2020
