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Revision 12 as of 2012-09-04 07:31:15

location: Supercomputing

Supercomputing framework at IFCA

Welcome to the support pages on supercomputing at IFCA.

Please, send any question to res_support@ifca.unican.es


The supercomputing node at the University of Cantabria is named ALTAMIRA.

The current hardware includes 158 servers, each one offering 16 cores using 2 Intel Xeon SB processors, interconnected with Infiniband, with a total power of more than 50 Tflops. Additionally 5 GPU servers are also available, each one with 2 Tesla GPUs. Also 11 blade servers with Power7 are installed.

These services are offered as Santander Supercomputing Services within the Scientific-Technical Services at University of Cantabria (see http://www.unican.es/WebUC/Unidades/Investigacion/scti/ssc/ )

Why supercomputing at IFCA

Supercomputing is more specific than High Performance Computing.

IFCA entered the supercomputing field with the installation of the ALTAMIRA node of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (Red EspaƱola de Supercomputacion = RES) coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).

You can find the information about the RES here, and about ALTAMIRA here