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location: Middleware / MpiStart


What is MPI-Start?

MPI-Start is a set of scripts to close the gap between the workload management system of a Grid insfrastructure and the configuration of the nodes on which MPI applications are run. The package is used to help the user start MPI applications on heterogeneous Grid sites.

MPI-Start was originally developed in the frame of the int.eu.grid project for the execution of MPI applications with the CrossBroker metascheduler and then extended its use as the official way of starting MPI jobs within EGEE. Currently, it is part of the EMI project.

There is a trac page at http://devel.ifca.es/mpi-start with information about the development of MPI-Start.


MPI-Start documentation for final users can be found at User Documentation, you can check also the typical error list and solutions in the Troubleshooting Guide.

A guide for system administrators that install MPI-Start at the sites is at Site Configuration

If you want to develop new plugins for MPI-Start, you can consult the Developer Documentation. The Requirements and Design page presents the requirements specifications and a description of the MPI-Start implementation.

More information about the usage of MPI in grid environments can be found at http://www.grid.ie/mpi/wiki/.


gLite sites may use the MPI-utils package for an easier configuration of MPI support.