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Version 2.4.2 (MoinMoin 1.9.9)

MoinMoin - Generate PDF document using HTMLDOC

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@copyright: (C) 2006 Pascal Bauermeister
@copyright: (C) 2006-2010 Raphael Bossek <raphael.bossek@solutions4linux.de>
@license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details


location: ModellingWaterReservoirs

Monitoring and Modelling Water Reservoirs and Lakes

A joint project IFCA - Ecohydros SL


(March 2016): Short presentation at the Global Water Information IG group at RDA 7th Plenary Meeting in Tokyo Global-Water-RDA-CdP.pdf Global-Water-RDA-CdP.pptx


The project on monitoring and modelling water reservoirs and lakes was started in 2005 in the course of the analysis made by the SME company Ecohydros at the Itoiz water reservoir.

The main monitoring platform currently in operation was installed at the Cuerda del Pozo water reservoir in Soria (Spain) in 2008, that has been collecting data regularly since 2010, including daily profiling down to 30m. measuring physical, chemical and biological indicators. The data can be accessed online through the web portal


(ask for a login id to grid.support [at] ifca.unican.es)

The data acquisition and its integration into the e-infrastructure at IFCA was supported by the FP7 EU project DORII (see http://www.man.poznan.pl/online/en/projects/55/DORII.html)

Along the last four years the LIFE+ project ROEM+ (see http://www.roemplus-life.eu/ ) has resulted in a large advance in the understanding of the water reservoir, and in particular completing the hydrological simulation using the Delft3D suite, and progressing significantly towards the modeling of algae bloom.

In 2014 a second monitoring platform was installed at the Cogotas water reservoir in Avila, and the corresponding data is also available.

In 2016 we will start the modelling of the Sanabria lake.

This iniatitive is part of the ongoing work at the following international initiatives:

LifeWatch-EGI-Competence Center: Ecological Observatories, see https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Competence_centre_LifeWatch_Ecological_Observatories and section in the corresponding deliverable D6.6 EGI-Engage-D66.pdf

INDIGO-Datacloud WP2 on Requirements from Research Communities: the Algae Bloom Case Study (see deliverables D2.1 INDIGO-D21.pdf, INDIGO-D23.pdf D2.3 , INDIGO-D24.pdf D2.4, and see a short summary here INDIGO-ALGAEBLOOM.pdf)

The most complete publication of the studies is Dr. Monteoliva PhD Thesis (Feb 2016, in spanish, currently being translated) tesis-monteoliva.pdf

See the summary of the results presented in the thesis:

The main objective of this thesis is to capture the functional processes and variables in determining eutrophication and the risk of a cyanobacteria bloom (cHAB) event, for an optimized and adaptive management of this environmental problem in lakes and reservoirs.
Over the last five years, a complete cyberinfrastructure for remote monitoring of the Cuerda del Pozo reservoir ecosystem and also of the nutrient exports from its drainage basin, has been deployed and operated. Several surveys have been conducted including the limnological analysis of water, sediment and biota, which together with the high frequency data, have been used to calibrate and run different models of hydrodynamic and biogeochemical simulation (1DV and 3D) to test several management scenarios: current situation prior to the commissioning of the WWTP, treatment by constructed wetland, and biomanipulation.
In particular, the cyanobacteria biomass has been monitored and the associated risk of having cHABs has been estimated, using a calibrated alert system based on WHO recommendations. The system as a whole has a high innovative and demonstrative value, which can be used for research purposes and for use in other cases suffering from this type of environmental problems.

Keywords: Eutrophication, cyanobacteria, HAB, cyberinfrastructure, 3D ecological model, reservoir

The corresponding set of slides are included here slides-monteoliva.pdf

Other (previous) publications:

Integrating a multisensor mobile system in the grid infrastructure Proceedings of INGRID 2010 (ISBN-ISSN: 978-1-4419-5595-1)

Modelling of a Watershed: A Distributed Parallel Application in a Grid Framework, published in COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, Vol 27, No 2 (2008): http://www.cai.sk/ojs/index.php/cai/article/view/269 CAI.pdf


IN PREPARATION (JMdL, 20 Feb 2016)

Data Life Cycle


The Open Data Preservation portal, available here, is prepared to support the full data life cycle for the data collected at CdP.

See "Digital Knowledge Platforms: A Framework for Open Science" as presented by J.Marco in https://indico.egi.eu/indico/getFile.py/access?contribId=95&sessionId=28&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=2544

See also "An Integrating Fresh Water VRE for LifeWatch" as presented by J.Marco in https://indico.egi.eu/indico/getFile.py/access?contribId=63&sessionId=51&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=2544

Modelling results using Delft3D

Results presented by Fernando Aguilar at Delft3D Users Meeting that took place at Delft in November 2016.

Addressing High REsolution modelling over different computing infrastructures.pdf

The Team

Current participants: Agustin Monteoliva (PhD Env. Sci, ECOHYDROS SL) Jesus Marco (Research Prof, IFCA) Alberto (PhD Biology, ECOHYDROS SL) Fernando Aguilar (Senior Engineer, IFCA) Jose Augusto Monteoliva (Biologist, ECOHYDROS SL) Daniel Garcia (Physicist, IFCA) Tamara (Env. Scientist, ECOHYDROS SL)

Previous contributors: Alex Monna (ECOHYDROS SL) Jose Juarez (IFCA) Ignacio Coterillo (IFCA) Maria del Campo (IFCA)