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location: Storage

The IFCA Storage Service

The IFCA storage is formed by a high throughPut network with more than 2 PB disk storage managed under GPFS file-system accesible by every cluster node (if this was necesary) and a couple of PB under magnetic tapes using a IBM library autochanger with and LT03 and LT05 drivers for long term data preservation and backup purposes.

Some of the relevant projects in which IFCA is involve need storage requeriments for data access. In order to provide users an easy way access, these services have been deployed:

  1. Very Secure FTP (Vsftpd) is designed for high I/O data access

  2. WedDav for common file access using http client

Both services run under encription mode (TLS), to avoid any security event.

Theres is another storage service for cloud and virtual machines with an underlying Ceph deployment, providing the needed block storage.